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Nature's color chart
When we develop the colors for our basics, we do it a little bit differently.
We do not look in trend and fabric books or conventional color charts. Instead, we work with the colors that nature gives us, and which we can refine in the best possible way.
It is the exact opposite of the approach you see within conventional clothing and textiles, where the colors are produced from synthetic dyes and where you can pick and choose. Yes, even most organic cotton is dyed with synthetic chemicals before you get your hands on it. Then you can discuss how organic it is after such a treatment.
We make colors differently
As I said, we have replaced color cards and synthetic dyes with natural colors and our unique way of developing them. By producing our own colours, we avoid the conventional, synthetic dyes and other unnecessary chemicals that often end up in the clothes when the consumer wears them. On the other hand, we have the opportunity to develop colors and basics that consist of 100% organic materials, from cotton fibers to dyes - yes, in fact, all the way down to the sewing thread.
This is only possible because we are constantly working on our color development and techniques, so that we can create new colors and refine our existing ones.
New colors
When we can't just choose from the Pantone numbers in the color card, we have to develop our own colors.
We are constantly working to develop new colors and continuously test new natural materials that we can work with to create new directions. In this way, it is always an ongoing, dynamic process when we develop new colors. Because there are many uncertainties and organic things to be taken care of, we cannot say with certainty that it will take four weeks to have a new color direction ready. It typically takes up to 4-6 months from when we start the work until the new color is ready.
It is therefore not without challenges when we choose to make our colors with plants and natural materials. It gives a little gray hair in between. We cannot change that, but we are always working to bring new color directions into our – already – colorful universe at Elemental Coloring.